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Original Patch 1.47c Text (englisch)


Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.47C

March 4, 2002


Most of these items are Pendragon-only fixes.


- During testing we have found that the new implementation of the Paladin refresh chant has the problem of being too powerful for the soloing Paladin, or too weak due to the lack of stackablity. Until we can be sure that any changes are beneficial to the class as a whole without disrupting their balance, we've decided to revert the ability to what it is on the live servers.

- Cabalists now properly get their new Vivification spells.

- Pulsing Resist Buff spells now pulse properly. Previously, they stopped after the first round.

- Skald/Paladin Damage Add spells were not adding enough damage; this has been fixed.

- Experience Points, group bonuses, and camping bonuses should now print properly.

- Spell damage is now properly attenuated against keep doors - you'll notice that you do much less damage with spells while "attacking" doors now than you used to. Melee damage has always been properly attenuated; now spell damage is as well. Please note that this is a live bug that we're fixing on Pendragon first.

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